Friday, April 22, 2011

New shit!

Done some arena with Aliandramk, he dont like me on mage xD 
still, had fun !

reported a bot user, we killed him alot of times aswell
just for the lol xD
usynligmand frapped it, gonna put link at bottom.

one that was farming mines and herbs...poor dude rage quited :D:D

so, thats what i done last days...
also did some PvE on mage, 4 manned BT...

well heres a Link!!

HA!L and K!LL

Thursday, April 7, 2011

2.nd post for today..2 pics, few words...alot of fun imo..

We Ganked one in guild that haz a rat alt...he was not happy about it O,o

Shizzle the two-timer.. xD
Sorry shizzle...just Had to do it!

BulleNova the Mage + moar!

Added Watercooling now :D Corsair H50

some stupid stupid rogue jumped me...but he got what he deserved!

My good m8 Aliandramk...some rats tryed to jump us...

more rats come, and we got 2 more to help us...
all in all, rats ran for their life after some heavy beating ;D ;D