Friday, February 4, 2011

Gank's / PvP

not much ganking latly, but some! been thinking alot, build new pc? or not? or maby? or just YES! then, what parts shall i use? hmmm..ahh yes! those parts (last post)...then again...sell my beloved blue audi a3 or not? hmmm..ohh did it car shall i buy? :S dunno! but something i gotta buy :O
anyways..over to the ganking...on the maps there, it's some skulls and some hands or something...skulls = i got killed @ that place....hands = i killed a rat there! =D
still Kyroth, i will have u one day on my Kill'd list...added u on KOS but no harsh reason...just that "kalce"  =D
had a nice day with some good killing today with Zylopfa! allways fun to slay little with him, or even other Zylopfians, SO glad to be back! just lacking gear to pwn some gear :S 333 ilvl..not pwning at all..soon daggers (epic) waiting to get some more conquest points...5 wins = max CP's on a week..i had 0 played this week...but soonish! like 1k more points and MH is Mine! then just about 1k more OH is MINE! then i phew phew, or even *BLAFF BLAFF* (like ambush attack) 0_o
now im tired as hell..wanna sleep..but cant! just watched the new episode from The Mentalist...pretty funny serie tbh...Jane is a wierdo, funny..but wierd...watched Bones aswell..good series if u wanna have a break from wow... "bones" is so damn Geeky...i lol'd so hard first time i heard her talk xD
ahh..i also watch NCIS, and Abby is so cool in that serie (Pauley Perrette)...did ya know that Pauley Perrette is 41 y/o...41!!!!!!!!!!!! i was thinking that she was 28-32 or something...not freaking 41!!! but still cool...she's a good actress...
well...think ill go watch something so i might get some sleep...heh..sorry for all trash talking here...but i kinda felt for just writing tons of shit O,o facts tho...but not WPvP related...
ohh! if pauley perrette would play wow, what race would she played?
i would think she would choosed Undead...
class? mage? lock? or a rogue? just think about it..and write a reply on what class u think she would play :P

Hail and K!ll

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