Thursday, May 19, 2011


After alot of thinking and shit, i quited wow.
can't find it fun anymore, and it takes alot of time...summer is here...let's swin naked! :D:D

wanna Thank Zylopfa and Zylos Hand for a wonderfull adventure in the World PvP world.


Friday, April 22, 2011

New shit!

Done some arena with Aliandramk, he dont like me on mage xD 
still, had fun !

reported a bot user, we killed him alot of times aswell
just for the lol xD
usynligmand frapped it, gonna put link at bottom.

one that was farming mines and herbs...poor dude rage quited :D:D

so, thats what i done last days...
also did some PvE on mage, 4 manned BT...

well heres a Link!!

HA!L and K!LL

Thursday, April 7, 2011

2.nd post for today..2 pics, few words...alot of fun imo..

We Ganked one in guild that haz a rat alt...he was not happy about it O,o

Shizzle the two-timer.. xD
Sorry shizzle...just Had to do it!

BulleNova the Mage + moar!

Added Watercooling now :D Corsair H50

some stupid stupid rogue jumped me...but he got what he deserved!

My good m8 Aliandramk...some rats tryed to jump us...

more rats come, and we got 2 more to help us...
all in all, rats ran for their life after some heavy beating ;D ;D

Monday, March 21, 2011

The mounts i got on my drood...wanna have this drood on RH :O

This is the mounts i got on my some more mounts on other chars.
Rogue got rocket and both brewfest mounts + VOA mount
mage got chopper.
also farming Anzu on my drood.
be sure to check the post under this aswell, and the one under there again
2 new post the last days + this one :O

Gank's, Gm helping RP's and Time-lost, And Whine!

They fighted over a Bloodthistle, about if it was or not, if it had magic powers or not
only flower i know with power is i told it was weed...5 mins later BOOM Gm's there to
take me down =( 5 mins! when i report about bugs, it takes up to 72 hours
if i report a dude for harrasing it takes up to 72 hours...
fuck with a RolePlayer and get nuked in 5 min.. -_- Great blizzard!

The letter they sendt me =(

Was looking for Skoll...i heard the NPC_scanner kicked in, saw time-lost...but he was dead =(

The new spirit beast for BM hunters.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Ganks and more

this is the ganks..
and maby the last ganks aswell,
i kinda don't enjoy this game anymore
and been thinking about Quit wow...
arena going bad...fucking blizzards PvE regulations
that fucks up the PvP...
fucking Guards!!
Tol barad...PvP zone...
Guards 1 shot me there...
why GUARDS in tol barad???!?!?!??!
fucking useless stupid PvE wankers!

but we will see...nothing is sure atm.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

video of pc and what i done last days..

movie 1, no sound...will explaine little later in post. just a raw clip of the computer.
the fan noize's high-low-high :P

oki so what i've done last days is like nothing O_o
i been sick, so atm i don't got a voice (why the first vid don't got sound)
i watched s2,s3 and s4 of NCIS.
but soon back on my feet again, i'm ready to take on the battle against the damn rats!
i tryed to uploade a other vid with both these movies in it + music added to the first part
but damn 720p movie got like 200mb (just a few mins) :S
anyways, hope the quality aint too bad on these clips.
the airflow fan on the ram bricks is taken off, also 1x 4gb brick taken away.
gonna add some other ram soonish....and watercooler..i want other cooler then i saw first..

untill next time
HA!L and K!LL

Saturday, February 19, 2011

New PC, new ganks! and the new owner of my old PC

 Antec Darkfleet DF-85

 Corsair DOMINATOR 16gb with Airflow(ram coolerfan)

Gainward GTX 580, planning on one more!

 Rampage III Extreme

 i7 950 quad-core (planning to get the Hexa core after little)

 Rampage III extreme again.

 computer done!


Gamer Chick :O

my gamer companion!
and the new owner of my old PC :P