Monday, March 21, 2011

Gank's, Gm helping RP's and Time-lost, And Whine!

They fighted over a Bloodthistle, about if it was or not, if it had magic powers or not
only flower i know with power is i told it was weed...5 mins later BOOM Gm's there to
take me down =( 5 mins! when i report about bugs, it takes up to 72 hours
if i report a dude for harrasing it takes up to 72 hours...
fuck with a RolePlayer and get nuked in 5 min.. -_- Great blizzard!

The letter they sendt me =(

Was looking for Skoll...i heard the NPC_scanner kicked in, saw time-lost...but he was dead =(

The new spirit beast for BM hunters.

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