Monday, March 14, 2011

Ganks and more

this is the ganks..
and maby the last ganks aswell,
i kinda don't enjoy this game anymore
and been thinking about Quit wow...
arena going bad...fucking blizzards PvE regulations
that fucks up the PvP...
fucking Guards!!
Tol barad...PvP zone...
Guards 1 shot me there...
why GUARDS in tol barad???!?!?!??!
fucking useless stupid PvE wankers!

but we will see...nothing is sure atm.



  1. dont leave wow! Everyone i know quitted wow.. dont make sad panda cry :/ Let's start all over! we do a realm roulette, and then pwn new faces! dont leave me alone in the world...of warcraft!

  2. u got tons of friend in wow :O baze, thomas h., goran or something, løkka, kristoffer and so on...also Zylopfa! Fomle and more more more :O

  3. fomle doesent play.. i dont care about thomas.. goran,løkka,kristoffer nor baze rly. They are all boring ;< Tho Zylopfa is the awesome one.. but meh I just feel like starting over. But its so boring alone. And scary :<

  4. u know what i think about lvl'ing :p can't find the "mojo" to do it rly :O

  5. oh ill give you da mojo man'! -.^

  6. yarly -,^ <3 jeg vet du vil! ser det på deg liksom ;D
